Click to Pay onComplete

onComplete Callback

Triggered when the payer has completed the Click to Pay interaction.

Usage Copied to clipboard

Provides the details of the card selected by the payer. Use these details to complete the payment.

Example Copied to clipboard

onComplete(correlationId, scheme, cardNumberLastFour, cardArtUri) {
    console.log('Retrieved correlation id %s for scheme %s with last four of card number %s and the card art URI %s',
    correlationId, scheme, cardNumberLastFour, cardArtUri)

Arguments Copied to clipboard

correlationId Copied to clipboard String

Unique identifier for the Click to Pay interaction (for this scheme).

scheme Copied to clipboard String

The card scheme for the card.

cardNumberLastFour Copied to clipboard String

The last four digits of the card.

cardArtUri Copied to clipboard String

Card art URL for the card selected by the payer.

Return Value Copied to clipboard
